The academic growth of Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy students is continuous and a lifelong process. We maintain the tradition of academic excellence within the Archdiocese of Miami. Therefore, regular attendance, good behavior, systematic preparation, homework and parental involvement are essential to academic success.
4 credits – Theology
4 credits – English
4 credits – Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)
3 credits – Science (Biology required; Chemistry or Physics strongly recommended– 2 credits must have a lab component)
3 credits – Social Studies (World History, American History, Government, Economics required)
2 credits – World Languages (in same language)
1 credit – Physical Education (Health/Life Management required)
1 credit – Practical/Fine Arts
2 credits – Electives
Total – 24 credits
The virtual credit requirement will be met through theology courses for juniors and seniors.
Minimum 2.0 Career Grade Point Average Completion of all financial responsibilities including tuition, fees, fines, library materials, athletic equipment, fundraising, capital improvement, and all other financial obligations.
SPECIAL NOTE – All credits must be earned in order for a student to graduate or receive a diploma. All students must also maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to receive a diploma and to participate in athletics or extracurricular activities. The weighted GPA (honors, advanced placement, etc.) will be published on the report cards, since that is what will be sent to colleges/universities on transcripts.
The Guidance Department’s counselors work together for the good of each and strive to meet the needs of every student, advocating for their growth and development. They provide support to our students through multiple services.
The guidance counselors provide an array of services to help meet the students’ academic and emotional needs.
Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School’s 21st Century Classroom and state of the art technology provide students with the tools they need for the future. We are the first school in South Florida to be part of a grade-wide 1:1 iPad initiative.
View the list of college acceptances for the Class of 2024.
The purpose of the Florida Law Honor Society shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship in law-related fields, provide law-based service opportunities, promote leadership, provide civic engagement and educational opportunities, and to instill a sense of respect for the justice system in students throughout the state of Florida among secondary school students. To be eligible for election to a school chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance for at least one semester in the chapter school and must have completed the equivalent of three semesters of criminal justice/law studies courses.
Candidates must be members of the junior or senior class. Candidates must have a minimum 3.0 overall GPA and a minimum 3.5 GPA in criminal justice/law studies courses. All students who can rise in scholarship to or above such standard may be admitted to candidacy for election to membership. In addition, all members must maintain consistent and regular attendance at chapter meetings. Candidates must maintain the discipline standards of their school.
The purpose of the French Honor Society is to promote the French language and culture at Archbishop McCarthy High School. Students are initiated in the first semester of French III Honors. The applicant must meet the following criteria:
The purpose of the International Robotics Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for STEM scholarship through robotics, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. Membership in local chapters is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by Faculty Council and is based on outstanding STEM scholarship, robotics participation, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.
The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for high school and middle school students located at more than 3,600 affiliated secondary schools across the United States, Canada and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student excellence in the theatrical arts. Its motto is “Act well thy part; there all the honor lies.”
To be a member of ITS, you must audition with a one minute monologue and sing eight bars from a Broadway musical. Candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria: Character/Believability, Emotional Commitment, Focus/Energy/Concentration, Staging/Blocking, and Vocal Delivery. It is the prerogative of the moderators to render their final decision based upon their experience and best professional judgment. Auditions are held at the beginning of every school year. Participation is not a right but a privilege. You must audition every year to be a member and to compete at a district and state level. Furthermore, because a drama student was part of the troupe the previous year and or is a senior does not guarantee membership of the troupe the following year.
ITS inducts high school students annually into the honor society through a point system. ITS recognizes the dedication and talents of students who have offered service to the Archbishop McCarthy High School Fine Arts Program. Points are awarded through onstage performance and backstage duties. To be a member of the honor society you must have 60 points. To earn a cord at graduation you must have earned 100 points. One point represents approximately ten hours of commitment to the drama program.
This club is designed for the students who excel in mathematics. Any student can be eligible for active membership if they are presently enrolled in their fifth semester of Honors of AP math. All others can be associate members, but must be currently taking an Honors or AP math class. Students must maintain a “B” average in all of their math classes and have no conduct grade below “average” to remain active members. Members must pay dues of $20 which will cover the national membership dues and yearly t-shirt cost. Duties of active membership include tutoring Archbishop McCarthy students and attending district competitions throughout the South Florida area. Applications will be accepted from the first day of school through the month of September. All members are expected to comply with all school rules and Mu Alpha Theta obligations. Failure to do so could result in dismissal.
The National Art Honor Society is dedicated to recognizing students who have shown outstanding ability in art. The purpose of NAHS is to:
Art faculty select members based upon art scholarship, service, and character. Students must be enrolled in a semester of art while a member, be in 11th –12th grade, have a minimum of a 3.0 average in art, and dedicate 20 service hours through NAHS each year.
The National Social Studies Honor Society is designed to promote scholarship and recognize academic excellence in social studies in secondary school environments and the community. Students inducted into the society will have and maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA. Students will meet regularly and be required to complete community service hours.
The National Speech and Debate Association’s Honor Society recognizes middle school and high school students for participation in speech and debate activities. Students earn distinction through speech and debate competition, as well as community service, public speaking, and leadership activities. Members are eligible to join the Honor Society once they have earned the required number of points. To become a member of the National Speech and Debate Association’s Honor Society, student members must abide by the Code of Honor and earn a minimum of 25 points. Students may earn points by participating in a number of speech and debate activities including interscholastic competition, public speaking events, and service activities. The more points earned, the higher degrees and seals earned for achievements.
Membership in this chapter is a privilege awarded to a student by the heads of the chapter based on meritorious work and achievement within the journalism and yearbook fields. Candidates must be sophomores, juniors, or seniors and have completed superior work in some phase of journalism or yearbook writing, editing, production, or management, either in a journalism course or journalism club. Candidates must complete the application and must be approved by the executive director before officially becoming a member. In addition, seniors who have been awarded membership, and who have shown exceptional leadership and service as recognized by the heads of the chapter, are eligible to receive the Quill and Scroll Honor Cord to be worn during graduation.
The Science National Honor Society was developed to honor students who have a high GPA in Science as well as their overall GPA. Students who are currently enrolled in an honors or AP science course are eligible for induction as sophomores, juniors, or seniors. The applicant must meet and maintain the final criteria:
The Science National Honor Society was developed to honor students who have a high GPA in Science as well as their overall GPA. Students who are currently enrolled in an honors or AP science course are eligible for induction as sophomores, juniors, or seniors. The applicant must meet and maintain the final criteria:
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is an international honor society dedicated to the recognition of exceptional music students. Tri-M stands for Modern Music Masters. Candidates are selected based upon their music participation, academic achievement, leadership, service, and character as outlined by the National Association for Music Education. The goal of the society is to foster greater interest in music and provide more opportunities for personal musical expression. Tri-M is a part of The National Association for Music Education, the world’s largest arts education organization. Tri-M Music Honor Society shares and supports the objectives of every dedicated music educator—to increase student and school involvement with music, and to make a stronger and more unified school music program.